Airports are an important economic hub for a region. They help regional economies extend their reach and often create a localized cluster of companies around it, termed “airport cities.” Indeed, airports face many of the same challenges that municipalities do. They have a portfolio of diverse infrastructure that supports a variety of services to customers in a challenging, dynamic environment. There are many stakeholders who have an interest in service levels, and revenues are often less than what is required to meet expectations. Edmonton International Airport (EIA) has implemented an asset management program that began with the successful implementation of a computerized maintenance management system to better understand its cost of service. It has also recently established an asset management strategy that systematically employs risk, strategic goals, and service priority for investment decision-making. This presentation will provide a case study of EIA's progress to date as well as future steps.
Nick Jensen is the director of asset management at Edmonton International Airport (EIA) and has been part of facilities maintenance and infrastructure management for more than 10 years. Nick is responsible for implementation of asset management at EIA, and has helped create strong momentum within the airport management team to adopt asset management best practices. Nick's career path began in the maintenance management area of the forest industry and newspaper printing plant. Nick is a graduate of the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology.