City Scape


  • PEMAC Congratulates First Graduates from its Asset Management Professional Certification Program


  • Programme de Certification MMP & AMP : Séance d'Info Gratuite

    Équipez vos gestionnaires de maintenance et d’actifs avec les outils dont ils ont besoin pour réussir.

  • Que faites-vous cet hiver?

    <p>Les inscriptions sont maintenant ouvertes pour les programmes de certification PEMAC en gestion d&rsquo;actifs, Asset Management Professional (AMP) et gestion de maintenance, Maintenance Management Professional (MMP). Vous pouvez facilement participer à partir de n&#39;importe où, en personne ou en ligne.

  • Webcast : Mettre en Œuvre un Système Intégré de Gestion d’Actifs d’Entreprise pour notre Capitale Nationale

    <p>Joignez-vous à PEMAC pour le dernier Webcast &laquo;&nbsp;Lunch &amp; Learn&nbsp;&raquo; de la série 2016, consacré à la Mise en Œuvre d&rsquo;un Système Intégré en Gestion d&rsquo;Actifs d&rsquo;Entreprise pour notre Capitale Nationale. Le Webcast aura lieu le mercredi 22 novembre à 12 h (Heure des Rocheuses).

  • Recognition of the PEMAC AMP Program

    Canadian Network of Asset Managers (CNAM) has undertaken to identify Asset Management training providers to its membership base and through this initiative has recognized the PEMAC Asset Management Professional program. Information about approved CNAM programs can be found on their "Asset Management Training" page

  • SMRP Approved Education Provider

    On September 19th, PEMAC received notification for having been recognized by the Society for Maintenance & Reliability Professionals (SMRP) as an approved provider of continuing education and training aligned with key subject areas related to reliability and physical asset management.

  • French Webcast: PM ou PdM - ou est l'equilibre (October 3)

    PEMAC is pleased to be hosting it's first French language webcast entitled: PM ou PdM – où est l’équilibre. Dharmen Dhaliah will be on hand to share his insight during the webcast on October 7 at 12:00 pm eastern.

  • September Webcast: Cascading Leading & Lagging Maintenance & Reliability Metrics

    Join PEMAC for its September Lunch & Learn webcast focusing on Cascading Leading & LaggingMaintenance & Reliability Metrics, taking place on Thursday, September 8 at 12:00 pm Eastern Time Zone.

  • Fall Registration Now Open for MMP & AMP Certification Programs

    PEMAC is proud to offer two aligned programs of study designed to develop an applied understanding of asset management: the Maintenance Management Professional and the Asset Management Professional certifications. Both lead to professional designations for the participants and increased capability to deliver business outcomes for the organizations they serve.

  • 2014 Lunch and Learn October (Eastern Time Zone)

    The Plant Engineering& Maintenance Association (PEMAC) invites you to attend its upcoming webinar:

    Implementing Reliability Centred Maintenance (RCM) in South Peel.

    This webinar will provide you with a sneak peak at some of the kinds sessions that you will also be able to see at MainTrain in November.