World Partners in Asset Management (WPiAM) Announce a Framework for the Global Alignment of Asset Management Credentials

MEDIA RELEASE For immediate distribution
World Partners in Asset Management (WPiAM) announces a framework for alignment of Asset Management credentials
October 21st, 2019
In keeping with its vision of “Globally recognized Asset Management credentials” the World Partners in Asset Management (WPiAM) announces that it is developing a framework for alignment of professional credentials in Asset Management to which professional bodies, post-secondary and training institutions around the world can align over time.
The scheme will provide a laddered career path in asset management for individuals who are looking to advance their skills and improve their ability to contribute to the success of the organizations they serve. This competency-based scheme will allow organizations to ensure that the individuals they hire anywhere in the world have the knowledge, skills and experience to apply asset management principles in various contexts.
With the introduction of this framework, the members of the WPiAM are seeking to align worldwide efforts to develop, assess and recognize competence in Asset Management and to establish a system of assurance of quality while respecting the needs for variation of application according to the history and culture of each region in the development of this evolving professional field.
The process for recognizing the equivalence of specific credentials will be administered by the WPiAM. The process to recognize individuals’ accreditation to any of the WPiAM’s framework credentials will be administered by the organisation that owns the certification scheme that has been approved. Each credential will require demonstration of education as well as evidence of competence in practical application. Further details will be announced as they evolve.
“Asset Management is evolving around the world and a lot of work has been done by credible organizations working independently to develop competency standards. Cooperation by so many respected non-for-profit professional associations to align on core standards offers significant promise for the future of this professional field and the transportability of skills”, states Johannes Coetzee, SAAMA representative to WPiAM.
More information is available on the WPiAM website at
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For further media information contact:
David Daines (WPiAM Director / Company Secretary)
World Partners in Asset Management is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to enable individuals and organizations to develop, assess and recognize competence in Asset Management. WPiAM has 7 member organisations including the ABRAMAN (Brazil), the Asset Management Council (Australia), GSMR (GCC Countries), JAAM (Japan), SMRP (USA), PEMAC (Canada), and SAAMA (Southern Africa).