City Scape

Member Survey Results

Thank you to the 68 people who participated in our recent Member Survey. The Board of Directors is grateful for the feedback offered, especially the many comments that were provided. The Board has carried out a review and prepared a concise summary below:

  1. Awareness of PEMAC is a significant issue for our members.  Our members would like us to keep working towards raising awareness of the good things we are doing and improving external recognition of our organization.
  2. Chapters are a very important vehicle for member involvement and promoting awareness.  There was expressed interest in more chapters, more chapter events.
  3. Our education programs are the primary way the respondents learned about PEMAC at 51%.  The next largest at 28% was from a friend/colleague and 10% from the web site. This raised the follow up question, how did people learn about the education programs?
  4. Members are aware of opportunities to get involved in PEMAC, 87% and 28% of those who responded are involved. 
  5. 90% said the PEMAC membership was valuable 97% said they would renew.
  6. The respondents see PEMAC as a credible organization.  There were many comments about how PEMAC could be more credible and improved external recognition of PEMAC was the most common suggestion.
  7. The web site is important for the respondents. 47% read the e-blast regularly, 53% sometimes. 
  8. PEMAC Staff rated very well with an overall 4.5 out of 5

Since the burning issue really seems to be external awareness of PEMAC, the Board of Directors has asked the Marketing Team to follow up on these results and consider this member feedback carefully as they carry out their current efforts on the Strategic Plan goal to "Grow Awareness".

Selected Quantitative Survey Results