City Scape

MainTrain 2013 has new wheels!

We have gotten out of the starting blocks early this year to put together the best conference ever for 2013. By resourcing MainTrain with our own full-time events coordinator (welcome Julie!) we have set our sights on a conference with:  

- a record number of attendees from across Canada and around the world
- 3 streams of sessions
- two high-profile keynote addresses
- new and improved sponsorship and exhibitor packages
- a custom MainTrain smart-phone ap to improve networking opportunities 
- an exciting spouse's program to help attract national and international attendees

In parallel with MainTrain 2013 PEMAC will be hosting meetings of the Global Forum on Maintenance and Asset Management, giving us access to several high-profile international speakers. Mayor Nenshi has already agreed to open the conference, schedule permitting, by welcoming all conference participants to the great City of Calgary.

We are confident that we can make it all come true and for extra assurance we look forward to the continued help and support of our customers and members. At this point ideas and referrals for sponsors and exhibitors, topics and speakers are most welcome! Join the committee, contact a committee member or contact Julie at with any ideas or suggestions at any time.

Visit the MainTrain website often to watch for developments as we progress on our conference

Cindy Snedden
Executive Director, PEMAC
Phone: 1 (877) 523-7255