City Scape

Body of Knowledge Update


The Body of Knowledge Committee held its inaugural meeting on Wednesday May 3, 2017.

The committee’s mandate is to act as custodian and administrator of the “Knowledge” section of the Plant Engineering and Maintenance Association of Canada’s website to provide a comprehensive source of relevant information for PEMAC members in order to support and enhance the organization’s overall knowledge base and its member’s learning opportunities.

The committee members have begun work on the following priority items;

Body of Knowledge Discussion Forums - to improve access and increase the functionality and engagement on the new discussion forums section.
Body of Knowledge Materials Intake -  To establish the processes and requirements for the addition of materials to the "Shared Learning Library".
PEMAC Maintenance Management Framework – To expand the content of the PEMAC Maintenance Management Framework and establish it as a solid reference for other PEMAC initiatives.

If there are any comments, questions or suggestions, you can contact the committee through the email address: