City Scape

Body of Knowledge Phase II completion


Congratulations to the PEMAC Body of Knowledge Phase II project team for having accomplished all of the objectives their project which included:

  1. Making a recommendation to the Board of Directors regarding a decision of whether to adopt  the GFMAM Maintenance Management framework or modify it according to "PEMAC" thinking (to be offered back to the GFMAM).
  2. Developing a core graphic to demonstrate the relationship between Maintenance Management and Asset Management based on the broad subject classification chosen for Maintenance Management above.
  3. Further detailing the system functional specification and associated policies for online member access to available content items, including:
    1. Content classification process
    2. Content searching functionality
    3. Social media connectivity
    4. Security settings
    5. Content submission/intake process, including content review & approval
    6. Development of a glossary or a means to access an existing glossary

The results of all of this work can be found on this website under the "Knowledge" menu item. Further development and maintenance of the BoK work is pending.