Asset management processes are becoming more widely adopted across industrial facilities. In this presentation, we’ll examine an essential aspect of the overall process—asset health—to understand the value of using data-centric models and how asset health enables fact-based decision-making at the asset and asset class levels across the enterprise. As a part of Intelligent Operations—a new approach to achieve Operational Excellence—asset health today uses digital transformation to optimize production, minimize equipment downtime, enhance human performance, and manage operational risks. We’ll examine the key asset-related aspects of Intelligent Operations and explore an asset health strategy based on the principles of interoperability and real-time decision support. Outcomes supported include reduced maintenance costs, enhanced asset availability, changes to predictive repair and capital replacement strategies, improved production, and reduced risk.
David Drerup is the CEO of Operational Sustainability, LLC and Verified Market, LLC. Prior to founding Operational Sustainability, he worked for PricewaterhouseCoopers, SAIC, and Rolls-Royce plc. David has more than 25 years of experience working with clients—primarily in the energy, chemical, mining, and utility industries—on environmental health and safety (EH&S), process safety, operational excellence, maintenance management, reliability, and IT solutions. David is a frequent speaker at industry forums on the topics of EH&S Management Information Systems, Process Safety Management, Asset Integrity and Reliability, and Operational Risk Management. David has published numerous articles on operational excellence and is active in the oil & gas and petrochemical community with many organizations, including API, AFPM, and CCPS.His consultation highlights include the following:• conducted a needs assessment for a 400,000 bbl refinery to identify optimized workflows and information systems needs for over 15 EH&S functional reporting areas;• evaluated a failed implementation of a management of change solution for a refining organization and successfully reworked the business process and training manuals to gain cultural re-acceptance.• worked with Fortune 500 energy client to develop an EH&S information system road map for 600 of its manufacturing sites;• conducted a workshop for CIO, EVP of Refining and Supply for Fortune 500 energy client that included a vision for EH&S management information system, enterprise-wide asset management, safe operating limits and envelopes, equipment health monitoring, alarm management, smart operating procedures, control of work, field mobility, leading and lagging indicators for process safety, and enhanced decision support; and• developed integrated asset-based loss prevention and management of change solution for 460,000 bbl refinery; solution was geared toward reducing lost profit opportunities (LPOs) on fixed and rotating assets, including the ability to intelligently link operating procedures to safe operating limits and triggering of events based on alarms.