City Scape

WPiAM Board

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The following people represent PEMAC at meetings of the World Partners in Asset Management (WPiAM). Sue Lubell serves on the WPiAM Board of Directors as Chair.

Jean-Pierre Pascoli

PEMAC Representative
World Partners in Asset Management (WPiAM)

Susan Lubell

WPiAM Board Chair
World Partners in Asset Management (WPiAM)


Board of Directors News

Board of Directors 2019 Election - Results

Thank you to all of the members who participated in this year's Board of Director's election. Final voter turnout in the election was 15.9%.  Here's how that stacks up compared to recent performance:

World Partners in Asset Management Logo

More detail on the WPiAM vision for Globally Recognized Credentials released


As a follow-up to last week's news release, a paper that outlines the framework for globally aligned asset management credentials has now been published on the Wold Partners in Asset Management website.

Bienvenue au réseau québécois de PEMAC!


Le conseil d’administration de PEMAC est fier de souhaiter la bienvenue aux membres de son nouvel réseau, soit le réseau québécois de PEMAC.

Welcome to PEMAC's Quebec chapter!


The Board of Directors of PEMAC is proud to welcome members of it's newest chapter, the PEMAC Quebec chapter. The level of interest of its members and the number of activities already organised demonstrates how important a network for sharing for all those who work in maintenance, reliability, and asset management in Quebec, and in French, is.